Your ads will be inserted here byEasy Plugin for AdSense.Please go to the plugin admin page toPaste your ad code OR Suppress this ad slot. It’s Thanksgiving time!!! Usually, everyone goes all out during this time of year slaving away in the kitchen making a huge mess! I use to do this. But not anymore! […]
electric pressure cooker recipes
Sausage & White Bean Soup with Mustard Greens
{Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

It is finally officially soup weather here in Southern California! I know I just made a soup recipe in my previous recipe blog post, but hey, soup is a good thing. And you just can’t get enough of a good thing. If you don’t like it? No soup for you! I recently harvested a load […]
Indian Curry Bean & Spinach Stew with Chicken {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

I haven’t written a blog in a looooong while. I may have forgotten how to so please bear with me. I am around, I just cook and eat carefully these days, and don’t use my pressure cooker as much anymore. But I am still here in the big world of the web and always available […]
- Beef
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Southern Tangy Pulled Roast Beef
{Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

Are you ready to make something super duper easy? I mean so easy that a little kid can do it? And it’s super duper tasty as well? Full of flavor like a party on your taste buds. And it’s easy on the wallet. It consists of only 5 ingredients if you include the Beef Chuck […]
Sausage & Lentils Soup {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

I’m going back to the basics today. Here’s a simple clean recipe for something that pretty much everyone will eat. Nothing scary, I promise! Lentils is the star of the show. Lentils are super healthy and high in protein. And there are a variety of lentils in assorted colors. It’s also one of the main […]
Red Wine Braised Beef Tongue
{Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

So I made something this past weekend that is an acquired taste. Not everyone will find it appetizing. But the people who do will find it pretty darn wonderful! For some reason, Beef Tongue is not something that Americans who are born and raised in the U.S. will eat willingly. In other countries all over the world, […]
Balsamic Chicken & Onions {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

Thanks to Pinterest, I stumbled across this recipe and thought it was interesting. So what the heck, let’s give it a try. Speaking of Pinterest, is anyone else obsessed with using it? I recently got my friend into it and I’ve now created a pinterest monster! There should be a Pinterest Anonymous for addicts. Who […]
Spanish Chorizo Oxtails {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

My HB and I went to a Spanish Tapas restaurant to celebrate Valentine’s Day over the weekend. It was a Flamenco Dinner show with live music and beautiful dancers in lovely flamenco dresses. Ever since I went to Spain back when I was 14, I’ve had a love affair with everything Flamenco and I didn’t […]
Happy Chinese New Year! {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

It’s a brand new year, according to the Chinese Lunar calendar. And it’s the year of the Black Snake! Which means, today’s recipe is going to be SNAKE!!! Snake on the plane! Snake in the bathroom! Snake in the kitchen! SNAAAAAAAAAAAKE! That’s right, I’m going to be cooking up some black mamba snake in the […]
Hawaiian BBQ Chicken {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

I seem to have a bad habit of constantly going on some kind of cooking break and neglecting this blog. But I really do have a good excuse this time. I had surgery around December, so I was out of commission for quite some time. Then my sister’s little dog passed away while I was […]