Whole Chicken & Vegetables {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

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I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday weekend!  I’ve had a busy couple of weeks and I’m hoping it will calm down soon once the big 2012 comes around the corner or I’m going to become one of those headless chickens you see that wants to cross the road!!!  Does anyone have any good new year resolutions?  I sure do!  But I keeping them a secret.  When I keep them a secret, the resolution usually work out better.  Kind of like not telling anyone your birthday wish when you blow out the candles or it won’t come true.  Trust me, it works!

I had to cook up something super fast and super easy this weekend.  And enough to feed a small family.  The meal wasn’t for Christmas though, it was for post Christmas when my husband and I just vegged around all day long and played video games.  But we did spend Christmas Eve with my parents and siblings where we made home-made sushi that was so incredible, we should open our own sushi joint!  Okay, I’m exaggerating, but it was still good.

This chicken recipe post is going to be the shortest probably because it is seriously that simple and quick with minimal ingredients.  I love how the Pressure Cooker makes it seem like I slave away in the kitchen for hours and hours, but I literally just throw everything into a big pot and walk away to lay in my hammock.  And about 45-minutes later, dinner’s ready!!!


  • 1 Whole Chicken
  • 1 Cup Chicken Broth
  • 2 Bags of Frozen Vegetable Medley Mix (Any will do, pre-seasoned or flavored works great)

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Pour the chicken broth into the main cooking pot of the pressure cooker.  Season the chicken with salt and pepper and place into the pot as well.  Take one bag of the  frozen vegetable mix and toss it into the pot, minus the bag of course, unless you like to eat plastic.  You’ll save the 2nd bag for later.

Program the pressure cooker to cook for 30-minutes.  Press Start.  That’s it.  Easy peezy!

Reserve the second bag of vegetables for after the cooking cycle is complete.  Throw that mix in and add an additional 5-minutes.

Prepare rice, mashed potatoes, spaghetti or other pasta to serve with the chicken.

You are set!  The chicken is juicy and falling apart.  The vegetable mix and seasonings add a nice punch of flavor to the chicken.  This is perfect for families that have no time to spare.  It’s a wham, bam, thank you ma’am kind of recipe, kind of like this post:  Quick, Simple and to the point!  hehe

Next post, we’ll do something a bit more complicated…..hmmmm…………

43 Replies to “Whole Chicken & Vegetables {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}”

  1. I just got an electric pressure cooker for Christmas and found your blog while looking for recipes. I can’t wait to try some out!! I already have some on my menu for the week! They look delicious!

  2. Kathy says: Reply

    Where did you get the fire roasted frozen vegtables?

    1. Patty says: Reply

      Trader Joes! I hope that store exists in your area.

      1. Mike says: Reply

        Can I cook it in tomato sauce instead of chicken broth?

  3. Kathy says: Reply

    We don’t have a Trader Joe’s in South Florida 🙁 I will have to find a substitute. Also I want to let you know that I now cook my collard greens in my pressure cooker. They are sooo tender and juicy. It’s awesome!!

  4. Mark C says: Reply

    First let me say I love your site, great layout and great pictures of everything you have listed.

    I have a question on why you cook majority of your rice/noodles outside the recipes. everything I saw on HSN is that you can cook with all the food together (i guess it depends on what your cooking).

    I am a newbie, just cooked my second item in 8 qt Elite (latest one on HSN).

    Keep up the great work on this site. I am letting all my friends know about this site!!

  5. Ruth says: Reply

    I love your website. I’m a newbie too. Trying roast for the first time tonight. Wish me lick! I too got a Wolfgang puck pressure cooker from HSN

  6. Lupe Martinez says: Reply

    Recipes are great!! Keep them coming. Thanks

  7. Fran says: Reply

    I just found your blog….I have an 8 qt pressure cooker I never used —are all your recipes for an 8 qt pressure cooker? Also–How bug was your chicken? Wouldnt the size effect the length of time cooking? And I also would like to know why you didn’t cook you pasta or rice with the other ingredients? Thanks

    1. Patty says: Reply

      The majority of the recipes on my site is for 8Qt. or less. The chicken I cooked was a whole size about average, maybe 4-5lbs. And size doesn’t really matter unless it’s really big. I didn’t cook the other ingredients with the chicken because they were more delicate and cook a lot faster. If I put everything in all together, the chicken would have been cooked perfect but the pasta and vegetables would have turned into mush.

  8. Lisa says: Reply

    I just got an electric pressure cooker for Xmas and was very intimidated until i found your blog!! I was researching cookbooks and none seem to be for the electric version?? Do you know of any? I think I can do this now though after reading your recipes and suggestions!! Keep the recipes comin! I am gonna try one of your recipes this week!! Can’t wait!! Thank you soooo much!

  9. shelly says: Reply

    Quick question… My pressure cooker has a low and high pressure option. Which one should I use for a whole chicken?

    1. Patty says: Reply

      Try it on low…..trial by error.

    2. This is probably too late but my electric pressure cooker (Farberware Millennium) recommends a 4-4.5 lb chicken be cooked on high pressure for 22-25 minutes. Actually, my manual has most things cooked on high pressure.

  10. Lynda Mackenzie says: Reply

    Thanks for your wonderful recipes! Have just been given an AEG electric pressure cooker and wondered if you could recommend a good demonstration video as well as a good recipe cookbook. Many thanks Lynda

  11. Diane says: Reply

    I really enjoy viewing this blog and have found it useful but was disappointed when I was unable to subscribe to your newsletter. Apparently it is locking out new subscribers because there is a cap on how many. Please let me know if you are able to increase the size of interested viewers. Have you published a book? I would be interested in buying it especially since it focuses on Electric Pressure Cookers.

  12. shelly says: Reply

    Tried low and high pressure settings with a whole chicken. I recommend High Pressure setting for sure! Chicken fell of the bone after only 20 minutes in the cooker! Thanks for all these great recipes Patty! I use the pressure cooker for 90% of our meals so I always need new ideas!!!

  13. Melanie says: Reply

    This is going to be the first recipe I make. Like others I got one for Christmas. I have been sooooo nervous about using it though. I don’t want it to blow up in my face!! LOL Wish me luck 🙂

    1. shelly says: Reply

      Don’t be scared Melanie. I was nervous the 1st time I used ours too! I made the hubby and kids stay 20ft from the kitchen the entire time! Once you use it a few times, it will be as easy as cooking in an oven! Good luck!

  14. gigi says: Reply

    I too have just purchased a Wolfgang Pressure cooker last month. How much extra time is needed for a whole frozen chicken..3-4 lbs. Thanks

    1. John says: Reply

      Hi Gigi,
      I would not recommend defrosting a whole chicken in your pressure cooker. Thaw and then cook.

      1. Lee says: Reply

        At the MOST, add 10 minutes to cook from frozen. With chicken breasts, you only need an additional 5 minutes. Works just fine, no reason to thaw first.

    2. Roz says: Reply

      Just got as a retirement present a Power Pressure Cooker XL so I wouldn’t have to spend hours in the kitchen & more time with the grand kids. The recipes are a great addition to the ones that came with the pressure cooker! Thank you in advance!

  15. barbara says: Reply

    I too got a pressure cooker as a gift. love your website

  16. sheryll says: Reply

    I’m thinking of getting an electric pressure cooker (I already own a stove type presto pressure) the one i want to get is the elite 8 quart which one do you guys use or recommend I have a household of 12 kids and a husband and I absolutley could not live with out a pressure cooker thanks in advance for your responses


    1. patee333 says: Reply

      I have the 8 Quart Elite model as well. It is the largest one out there you can find. Nothing is bigger than 8 Quarts.

      1. The Power pressure cooker xl. I got a 10qt and it’s perfect for big families or groups.

    2. I only have a family of 8 and I got the 10 qt power pressure cooker and it’s just perfect. Plus you can cook a 12 pound turkey in it! I LOVE mine but their recepies are too complex. I like to keep it simple so I just leave out whatever I don’t have or don’t like. It’s that easy 😃

  17. Great site, I’m so glad I found it. I am seriously thinking of getting a pressure cooker, and your recipes and directions make it so much less intimidating, thank you!

  18. Lydia says: Reply

    I am just wondering why you reserve only 1 bag of veggies until the end? Wouldn’t 30 min in the pressure cooker make the 1st bag really mushy?

  19. JohnNV51 says: Reply

    Just received a Emril T-Fal electric pressure cooker. ‘Cooked’ a 5lb whole chicken. Salt, pepper, poultry seasoning and one can of chicken broth. 20 min on high. Chicken was done to perfection (164 degrees) Drained the broth into a dutch oven. Put the chicken back in the cooker on ‘warm’ while I made dumplings in the dutch oven. Used Bisquick. Nice quick dinner. I’ll used celery, onion and carrots next time.

  20. Janice says: Reply

    Got a Breville PC for Christmas. Recipes in Breville manual were very very few. This website is very good. Keep up the good work. Does anyone have a suggestion of a good cookbook for electric PC.

  21. Micki says: Reply

    Just received my Instant Pot today, threw in a whole chicken, some spices and chicken broth for a trial run. I pressure can but this is a new adventure.

  22. Mike says: Reply

    Can I cook it in tomato sauce for chicken Cacciatore instead of chicken broth?

  23. Dee says: Reply

    High pressure or low? I’m assuming high.

  24. Shannon says: Reply

    How long if the chicken is frozen?

  25. Andrea says: Reply

    Can I also put potatoes in the pot to cook with the whole chicken and veggies? Maybe on a little steamer rack I lay on top of the chicken? I just got an electric pressure cooker, so I’m very much a novice. Thanks for the recipes!

  26. Susan says: Reply

    I am trying my Elite 10 qt pressure cooker for the first time tonight. I have a SMALL 1-1/2 pound bottom round roast. I am confused. Times shown are for 3-5 lb roasts. Yet the “meat” button says 12 minutes. I wanted to cook carrots, onions, cabbage and potatoes with meat like a pot roast. I pressure cooked the meat in liquid for 12 minutes, let out steam, it needed more cooking. I am pressure cooking it for 12 more minutes, then will add veggies on top and press the “fish and vegetable” button, which should cook them for 7 minutes more (with meat). Does this sound correct?

    1. patee333 says: Reply

      For a small roast, 20-30mij is best. The 12min may be better for meats that are in pieces.

  27. Jessica says: Reply

    Wonderful blog what a great site. I found that with my instant pot it takes a lot longer on high pressure for my check in. But I also cook nearly everything from frozen because the results are absolutely fantastic. I literally make freezer meals and throw them slightly thawed into the pressure cooker. Bam! Yum!!

  28. Sarah-Jayne Hucks says: Reply

    Just wondering if we should ‘brown’ the chicken first? Just with other recipes they all seem to suggest Browning meat a bit first. I’m new to this since I received an electric cooker for Christmas. All your recipes look wonderful. 🙂

  29. Kathy Akers says: Reply

    I have a 6qt & a 10qt elite cooker. I love them, I put a whole frozen 5lb chicken in my 6qt about25-30 min it’s done then add the veggies and cook 5 more min. Come out perfect every time. I am Canning in them now. Just love it

  30. […] Whole Chicken & Vegetables […]

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