Sausage & Lentils Soup {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

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I’m going back to the basics today.  Here’s a simple clean recipe for something that pretty much everyone will eat.  Nothing scary, I promise!

Lentils is the star of the show.  Lentils are super healthy and high in protein.  And there are a variety of lentils in assorted colors.  It’s also one of the main staples in vegan cooking.  But I’m going to screw it all up by adding sausage to it.  Yum!


  • 3/4 Cup Dried Lentils
  • 1-2 Cups Chopped Sausage (Whatever kind of sausage to your liking, it doesn’t matter.)
  • 2 Cups Crushed Roasted Tomatoes
  • 1 Cup Mirepoix (Which is just a fancy word for chopped mixture of celery, carrots and onions.)
  • 4 Garlic, minced
  • 2 Bay Leaves
  • 2 Tbsp Beef Buillion (Or 2 Cups Beef Broth)
  • 6 Cups Fresh Water (Less or more depending on the size of your pressure cooker.)
  • Salt & Pepper to taste




Turn on the browning feature on your pressure cooker if you have one so you can saute the mirepoix and garlic in the cooking pot until they are fragrant.

Once that is done, turn off the browning feature and add all the remaining ingredients into the cooking pot.

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Shut the lid and lock it properly into position.  Adjust the Pressure Valve to “Airtight”.

Program the cook time for 15-minutes and press Start.

That’s it.  Super easy, right?  Super good too!

Let the pressure cooker do its thing.  The longer you cook the lentils, the more they break down.

When the cook time is complete and it’s ready to release the pressure, make sure you be careful.  Since it’s a big pot of soup, there may be some spitting at the pressure valve when you turn it to exhaust.  Sometimes a folded up dish rag or towel over the valve a bit will help.

When it is safe to open the lid, give the soup a good stir.  It may appear a bit watery but depending on if you want to keep it more on the brothy side or you want to thicken it up a bit, you can thicken it by mixing a bit of the broth liquid with flour until it becomes a thick roux and dump the roux back into the soup and stir it up a bit.

Season with salt and pepper to your preference.

Serve with a dollop of sour cream or plain greek yogurt.


34 Replies to “Sausage & Lentils Soup {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}”

  1. Corrie says: Reply

    I honestly like this site a lot. The way in which the recipe is presented with color pics. How can one go wrong at all. Thanks Peggy. I have become a loyal supporter of your blog and site. Keep this up please and add new ones all the time. Thanks

  2. Deb says: Reply

    Just starting to use a pressure cooker. Thank you for this blog. I am making the Easter Sunday Pot Roast this evening. Wish me luck!

    1. patee333 says: Reply

      Good luck!!!

  3. Patty, I’ve been following your blog for a while now and would like to thank you for posting all these wonderful recipes! – Pat

    1. patee333 says: Reply

      Thanks Pat! I’m so glad the site is being useful! 🙂

  4. Dina says: Reply

    I used chicken sausage, chicken broth and bouillon. The lentil soup was very good.

  5. kev says: Reply

    What a big disappointment for my very first e-pressure cooker recipe. Your recipe says 3-4 cups of lentils, I took that as 3 or 4 cups of lentils. Now I see what you really meant is 3/4 cups. Grrr!

  6. kev says: Reply

    Furthermore looking at the verbiage of the recipe, 3-4 cups {plural} should be 3-4 cup (singular). It’s easy for someone inexperienced as myself who knows nothing about cooking lentils to mistake it for 3 to 4 cups. Sorry, I’m upset because I’m picking out the sausage and the rest is going in the trash, what a waste.

    1. patee333 says: Reply

      I’m so sorry. I’ve fixed the measurements. You don’t have to toss the lentils. You can use it differently for other meals if you like. Lentils are often eaten like rice, or as a dip, similar to bean dip.

  7. WOW! Great soup. I did add some sliced red cabbage and a jar of roasted red peppers. Also I had Turkey Kielbasa to use so I sliced it and added it as the sausage. 15 minutes to heaven.

    1. Evelyn says: Reply

      I took your tips on the cabbage and peppers. Yummy!!

  8. Kathy says: Reply

    I made this tonight. This is so good! I will freeze the rest in little bags for the future. It is great, easy, satifying and very inexpensive.

  9. Donna says: Reply

    Always make this recipe for New Year’s Eve. It is believed that if you eat lentil soup with sausage you will have prosperous new year.

  10. Taryn says: Reply

    We just got a pressure cooker and this is the first recipe I made using it. The only change I made is using ground beef instead of sausage and tomato paste instead of crushed tomatoes, because that’s what I had on hand. This recipe is simple and AMAZING. You have single handedly turned me into a pressure cooker fan!

  11. Jonathan says: Reply

    Definitely never cooked lentils before if u used 3 to 4 cups. Does strike a flag u didn’t just say 3 cups or 4 cups. If u ever cook grits watch out. I have a cheese soufflé recipe. 1 cup turns into a whole huge casserole too. Make anyone like grits guarenteed

    1. patee333 says: Reply

      3/4 of a cup. 3 quarters of a cup.

  12. Nick says: Reply

    If I use 2 Cups Beef Broth instead of 2 Tbsp Beef Buillion do I cut back on 6 Cups Fresh Water

    1. patee333 says: Reply

      Cut down to 4 cups of water.

  13. Georgianna Wall says: Reply

    How much will this yield?

  14. WD says: Reply

    In the photo there is something that looks like ground cumin, but that is not mentioned or listed in the recipe? Planning to make this tonight. Cumin seems like a good idea… Did you use it?

    1. patee333 says: Reply

      I believe that was the Beef Bullion. But if you want to add cumin, go ahead and try it out.

  15. WD says: Reply

    Thanks! I’m using beef broth, wasn’t focusing on the buillion, my eye skipped right over that.

  16. WD says: Reply

    Made the soup, delicious! Added some green chili–I live in New Mexico, where we believe that everything is better with chili;) Thanks for a great recipe!

  17. When cooking with a pressure cooker does the sausage or hamburger need to be cooked/browned and crumbled first?
    If not, does the grease remain in the soup?

    1. patee333 says: Reply

      Yes, it’ll remain in the soup but can be later taken out after being refrigerated. If you want to serve it right away, then do the browning first and discard the grease.

  18. helen marie says: Reply

    how would you can this soup?

  19. Roni says: Reply

    Do you brown the sausage or throw it in raw?

    1. Ann says: Reply

      I did Brown it first.

  20. VitaZgal says: Reply

    Pls help me understand photo #2. I see the Mirepoix, tomatoes, garlic…the last item I cannot make out what the green mixture is…you say beef bouillon? It looks like a mixture-not liquid…would you tell me what that is, pls. Is there a way frozen sausage may be used-it’s all we have on hand and snow coming in a few hours will keep us in today and perhaps tomorrow.
    Also…for those using Instant Pot cookers…are we to do a “quick release” or let it release naturally after time allotted? Appreciate the specific help. It is not for me alone, it is also my cousin & her family. We thank you kindly.

    1. Patty says: Reply

      Hi, that powder is a type of Beef Bullion in powder form instead of cube form. It’s suppose to be yellow. The photo just appears slightly greenish.

      1. VitaZgal says: Reply

        Thank you…that explains a lot…do you want to share what powder form it is(name, etc) for those of us who would like the reference & perhaps try it as it is presented? Thanks again ~

  21. Cecelia says: Reply

    Make this all of the time I use chicken broth instead of beef and use Italian sweet sausage. Everyone loves it. Thanks for your great tips.

    1. Cecelia says: Reply

      I also use pearl barley added at the end of cooking. Soo good..

  22. Donna A. says: Reply

    Love this recipe!!! We have lentil soup all the time.Always on New Year’s Eve =>)

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