Chinese Coca-Cola Chicken Wings {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

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Okay, you’re probably wondering WHAT THE HECK?  Chinese and Coca-Cola???  That’s an odd combination for a description. I know, I know, but that’s the whole point.  That’s what caught my attention with this particular recipe and I just had to try it so I can say I did.  I love cooking food with an off-the-wall ingredient.  It reminds me of the old fairytale folk story I read a long time ago in grade school.  I’m sure many of you have heard of it.  It’s called STONE SOUP.  The main ingredient was a piece of rock!!!

But in all honesty, this is a really popular and basic Chinese dish.  My mother use to make it often when all the kids in the household were still young and she actually cooked back then.  However, instead of Coca-Cola, she used brown sugar. That’s what the soda is mainly for, the sugar replacement ingredient in the dish.  The heat burns off all the carbonation and your chicken really does not come out tasting like Coke!  It’s the idea of the ingredient that makes you do a double take.  Frankly, I think Dr. Pepper or even Root Beer would’ve been a great replacement as well.

I really love this dish because it reminds me of when I was young and when my mom use to cook for us all the time.  I loved the thick syrupy sauce that the chicken is drenched in.  My siblings and I use to douse our rice in the sauce and eat it that way.  My mother use to cook it on a stove-top in a big Chinese wok frying pan.  I don’t quite remember how long it took to cook it that way, maybe a half hour or so?

So let’s get cooking.

2-3 lbs. Chicken Wings (Separate the wings from the little drummettes, and remove the pointy wing end.)
1/4 Cup Soy Sauce
2 Tbsp. Chinese Cooking Wine
2 Cups Coca-Cola
2 Tbsp. Fresh Garlic; Chopped
2 Tbsp. Fresh Green Onions; Chopped
1 Tbsp. Freshly Ground Black Pepper
Salt for taste

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Once again, this is a super easy recipe.  You pretty much put all the chicken wings into the main cooking pot.  Season it with salt and the freshly ground pepper.  Then comes the rest of the ingredients.  Put everything into the pot.  That’s it!  Close the lid and lock it into position.  Adjust the pressure valve to Airtight.  Then program the machine for only 15-minutes.  That is pretty much it!
At this time, you can prepare some rice to go with the dish.  Or you can go upstairs and watch an episode of HOW DO I LOOK?  Which is exactly what I did.  I HEART Jeannie Mai!!!  Hmmm, maybe I’ll dedicate this recipe to her and her awesome fashion sense!!!

Okay, back to the chicken wings.  When the cooking cycle is complete, release all the pressure and open the lid.  Give the chicken a good stir and mix in the liquid.  Then remove the chicken wings and set aside.  Return back to the sauce liquid.  Ladle out about half of the liquid and discard.  We’re going to reduce the remaining liquid and make the yummy thick sauce.
Press the START button on the machine to start the heating process.  This is what I love about this machine, everything gets cooked in just one pot!!!  YAY!  It means less dishes to wash!!!
To thicken the sauce, add 1-2 Tbsp. of butter and 1-2 Tbsp. of flour.  Mix it thoroughly and let it reduce down and thicken to where the sauce will coat a spoon and not drip off immediately.  It took about 10-minutes for me.
Once the sauce is thick enough to your liking, you can put all the chicken back into the pot and mix it so it gets a nice sauce bath.  Be careful when mixing because the chicken is super soft now and it easily falls right off the bone.  All the ugly ones I messed up when I was stirring it around, I immediately picked them out and gobbled them up in one swipe.  YUM YUM!!!

I am off to bake some dessert now.  Monkey Bread Muffins!  Hehehehehe  Wouldn’t you like to know!!!  Okay fine, I’ll share.
It’s a super fattening dessert that you really do NOT want to make if you are on a diet!!!  Click here for the recipe.

Enjoy the chicken wings!  I know I did.  I think I ate half a dozen in 2-minutes!


28 Replies to “Chinese Coca-Cola Chicken Wings {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}”

  1. Amina says: Reply

    Yummy! So this is definitley a recipe I’m going to make. We are always eating wings at home and this sounds delish! The monkey muffin looks incredible too! Thanks for another fun post. Love it 🙂

  2. Dennis says: Reply

    I found your site while researching on either pressure cooker or slow cooker. Great pictures!

    Do you have the green onions into the pot or after for looks?

    What would happen if you soak the sauce in a zip lock bag overnight? Would the favor penetrate the chicken more?

    1. Thanks Dennis. I put the green onions into the pot to cook with the chicken. And then I used some afterwards for garnish as well.

      You can definitely soak the chicken overnight in any kind of marinade if you like.

  3. Pat E. says: Reply

    I got every single one of those ingridients!! On my way home I usually think of what I can make…. PROBLEM SOLVED!! I look every now and then for the quick ideas and so far your better than Betty Crocker….

  4. Pat E. says: Reply

    OMG – I did it!! I think I used too much cooking wine… but over all I really enjoyed it… and it was really easy. I heard of cooking withe beer but coca cola?? Nice and tender pieces and the best part was the pieces of chicken that did fall apart, soaked in the liquid .. yummmy … So what’s next!!

  5. Thanks for the recipe. Do you know the calorie count? Will this work if I substitue salt for Mrs. Dash to move closer to low sodium heart healthy restictions since their is already salt in Soy sauce?

  6. Allan says: Reply

    Thank you Patty for sharing this great recipe! I used cooking Sherry instead of Chinese cooking wine (no Chinese cooking wine on hand). Also, I set the reduced sauce aside and browned the cooked chicken a little before applying the sauce. The family loved it!

  7. […] That’s what caught my attention with this particular recipe and I just had to try it so I can say I did. I love cooking food with an off-the-wall ingredient. It reminds me of the old fairytale folk story I read a long time ago in grade school. I’m sure many of you have heard of it. Chinese Coca-Cola Chicken Wings {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe} | Welcome to Peggy Under Pressur… […]

  8. Shari Rich says: Reply

    Love your site, just found it. I posted a couple recipes to Face book with a link to your site. Pressure cooking recipes are hard to come by.
    Keep up the great job!!
    I have a recipe club I go to once a month, so will share with the other gals.
    We live in the middle of Nebraska, so I use the pressure cooker in the summer a lot. Less heating the kitchen! Am going to try to can beef in mine, will let you know how that turns out..

  9. Otis says: Reply

    Thank you. I have been looking for a pressure cooker recipe for chicken wings. This one sounds yummy.

  10. June says: Reply

    I love my pressure cooker. I would like to make the chicken wings reciope but am not sure of how much liquid to use for safety.

  11. June says: Reply

    I am still waiting for a reply about the amount of liquid needed for the chicken wings. I hope I did this comment right.

    1. patee333 says: Reply

      The two cups of coca-cola is considered the “liquid” that you need to add. That’s it.

  12. Cassandra says: Reply

    What can I use as a substitute for the Chinese wine? I don’t have any sort of cooking or regular wine. Thanks in advance for your help! Love your website!!!

    1. patee333 says: Reply

      Regular white wine will work, but if you don’t have any, then just omit it completely.

  13. Barbara says: Reply

    I have an 8qt electric pressure cooker. Could I double the recipe and how long would I cook the chicken for.



  14. Barbara says: Reply

    Can I double this recipe for an 8qt electric pressure cooker? How long would I cook the chicken for?



    1. patee333 says: Reply

      You can try doubling the recipe, just add an extra 5min and cook for a total of 20-min should be fine.

  15. pixiecatt says: Reply

    these are absolutley awesome!! I have made them several times now and my family absolutely loves them!!!!

  16. saluki says: Reply

    I substituted Dr Pepper for the Cola and used Mirin instead for the Chinese Cooking wine. I cut the time under pressure a little shorter and finished in the oven for a little browning- browned beautifully…
    Actually, I’ve been been using a similar cola recipe from Wandering Chopsticks but, on the stove with spareribs cut in 1 1/2″ pieces. Now that I know the chicken works so well in the PC I’ll try the cola ribs there too….
    Thanks so much for posting this….. so much easier than messing with the wok.. Really delicious with the chicken…

  17. Gigi says: Reply

    I just bought my Elite Pressure Cooker and looking for recipes, stumbled onto “Peggy Under Pressure” and I knew I was home.(smile) The chicken came out good,but not sweet like I had expected. It’s an easy recipe and I’ll cook it again. I love this site, one day and I feel like a pro. My family is eating again.

  18. Deb says: Reply

    This looks wonderful and so easy. If I used chicken thighs instead of wings, about how long should I set my pressure cooker for? I can’t wait to try this! Thanks for sharing this recipe.

    1. patee333 says: Reply

      The same cooking time will be fine.

  19. Passy says: Reply

    Hi just want to know when using ur electric pressure cooker on want cooking process u turn it on .mine have soup , stew brown and rice .please waiting for reply

  20. Diane says: Reply

    You Blew my mind, when you asked if anyone had ever heard that fairy tale STONE SOUP. I had to get up in class and tell a story, and Stone Soup is what I told. Thanks for bringing back old memories 🙂 By the way that was probably back in the late 50’s.

  21. Gayle says: Reply

    I made these last night and we loved them. However, they were to wet for us so I broiled them in the oven for a few minutes after they were cooked to give them a good crispy outer crust

  22. James Wagner says: Reply

    If the amount of wings is doubled I would not increase the cooking time. The wings have not increased in size only volume. I was going to cook an eight pound pork butt roast but got a late start, so I cut the roast in half and now was cooking 2 four pound roasts in the same container. Check the cooking times of the two sizes and see the difference.

  23. Albert says: Reply

    Still a favorite of ours. Your site got us hooked on our pressure cooker about 10 years ago. Just wanted to reach out and say we still value this site.


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