Your ads will be inserted here byEasy Plugin for AdSense.Please go to the plugin admin page toPaste your ad code OR Suppress this ad slot. Sorry, I got a little busy recently with the Thanksgiving Holiday. I didn’t cook one single thing for the Turkey festivities though so I’m not sure what I was busy […]
8qt. pressure cooker recipes
Italian Pot Roast {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

I had a small little dinner gathering this weekend, with a delicious Italian Pot Roast made in the pressure cooker. Yum! Followed by a trip to the local theater to watch the latest James Bond installment, SKYFALL with Daniel Craig. DOUBLE YUM! And to make it all that much sweeter….November 11th was suppose to be […]
Kielbasa, Butternut Squash & Kale Soup
{Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

A lot of you have probably been wondering why I have taken such a long hiatus. Truth be told, it’s a combination of many things. Life, the universe, everything! But the main thing is that both my husband and I have been trying to eat healthier and eat less. And it’s just the two of […]
Happy Halloween – Walking Dead – Delicious Bloody Corpse!
{Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

I know I have been seriously lacking in posts lately. And I’ll get to that later and explain why. But TODAY’S post was by popular demand and it’s totally perfect for Halloween. However, it’s not for the faint of heart or if you’re easily disgusted. SO YOU ARE WARNED!!! I didn’t expect to post this […]
Saucy Steaks & Cheesy Broccoli Gnocchi
{Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

Sorry I haven’t posted any recent recipes. I seem to always be so busy these days. With work mostly. And when the weekends come around, I just want to vegetate and not do anything at all! But today I am going to post a new recipe, darn it, I will!!! This recipe I totally […]
- Desserts
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Coconut Rice Pudding {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

Where should I start? It seems like decades have passed but really it’s only been like one month. But so much has happened!!! The good, the bad and the ugly!!! Let me start with the GOOD. It is good that I was able to go on vacation for a week to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. […]
Jedi Split Pea & Ham-hock Soup
{Electric Digital Pressure Cooker Recipe}

STAR WARS, the first episode of the prequel trilogy is being re-released in the theaters in 3D next week!!! That means more money being made for the Lucas Industry. In honor of the movie, Yoda and I have decided to put together a special recipe to share with everyone on my blog! Yoda originates from […]
Italian Sausage Three Bean Chili
{Electric Digital Pressure Cooker Recipe}

I had a little casual get together with some friends this weekend. Actually, I just wanted an excuse to cook something I’ve never cooked before and wanted to subject them to being my little guinea pigs to test my cooking on. You know, the kind of guinea pigs that listen to Hip Hop music, dress […]
Whole Chicken & Vegetables {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday weekend! I’ve had a busy couple of weeks and I’m hoping it will calm down soon once the big 2012 comes around the corner or I’m going to become one of those headless chickens you see that wants to cross the road!!! Does anyone have any good […]
Pumpkin Bourbon Cheesecake {Electric Pressure Cooker Recipe}

I’ve had pumpkin pie on my mind ever since November started. But I wanted to make something in my pressure cooker instead of baking something in the oven. So cheesecake in the pressure cooker sounded easy enough. I did a bit of research on google and found a pretty decent recipe that I tweaked and […]